Monday, September 20, 2010

Victory over da feet

Today was the day that Jerry tried to get rid of me. We started out by saying we would take it easy. Picture this 67 year old lady with COPD and Rheumatoid Arthritis, with a bad knee on one side and an ingrown toenail on the other.
The first cache was a half mile hike, straight up hill through a bog. Up hill the breathing was the problem, downhill it was the knee and the toenail hitting the end of my boot. The last cache was up hill again for about a half mile. And we did three others. As you can imagine, I am typing with both feet propped up on the dash board, and no intentions of cooking supper tonight. Even the dogs are tired.
The views were fantastic however, See the pics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your poor feet! I hope you guys are okay after the storm. Drop us a line to let us know.